Injury/pain assessment
If you have sustained an injury or suffer from an illness or disease, then a GP may recommend that you seek assistance from a physio or sports therapist for treatment or to help you manage your injury or condition.
At Perform Sports Therapy we take extreme care regarding the assessment and management of your injury or pain. It is vital that the correct diagnosis is ascertained in order to manage and treat your injury/pain successfully and ensure a speedy rehabilitation. Fully trained in injury assessment, we can diagnose patients of all ages and if you have not already sought medical advice which we consider it important you do, we will refer you to your GP first.
The Assessment Process
At our first meeting we will undertake a thorough investigation of your condition. Starting with a history of your physical health, we will establish when your injury first occurred to help understand the cause of your pain, including any underlying health problems that may be aggravating it. Assessing your posture, movements and habits, we will be able to better understand possible triggers of your pain. Once all of our assessments are complete, we can create a carefully designed and detailed management plan for your treatment.
Types of Injuries
There are a huge range of injuries and conditions that can be sustained via sporting activities, accidents or daily habits, but the most common problem areas include:
- Back and spine
- Neck and shoulders
- Hips and groin
- Elbows and wrists
- Knees and ankles
Symptoms of pain in these areas most usually result from:
- Repetitive strain Injuries (RSI)
- Hypertonic muscles (tightness) problems
- Muscle strains/tears
- Muscle weakness
- Ligament and tendon issues
- Arthritis
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Migraines/headaches
Pain should never be ignored or endured without full knowledge of its cause. You may be suffering unnecessarily and the impact on your life, and your loved ones, can be significant. We are always happy to meet with you to consider what could be causing you pain and discomfort.
The Management Process
Once we have diagnosed your injury or problem, we can then discuss a suitable treatment plan. This may include mobilisation techniques, manipulation and massage, therapeutic ultrasound, medical acupuncture/dry needling, kinesiology taping or prescribed exercises.
The process will be carefully mapped out via regular appointments, to ensure that your pain and discomfort is managed and eased, and you are gradually rehabilitated back to health. If your condition is permanent, we will work towards lowering your pain so that it becomes manageable with minimum impact on your everyday life, including working on greater flexibility and movement, to enable you to live a more comfortable, fuller and happier life.